Science and Concept Map Projects

Science and Concept Map Projects enhance the subject understanding for the learners. The ICT (Information and Communication Technology)  based free and open source software listed below must be used to create projects in each project category. Resources in the form of self-learning spoken tutorials, software installation tutorials and installation sheets are available for the following software; 

Avogadro, ChemCollective Virtual Labs, Freeplane, GeoGebra, Jmol Application, UCSF-Chimera and Grace/QtGrace.

These software will aid teachers and students to understand concepts, run virtual experiments, view molecules in 3D, concept mapping and mathematical applications.

At present are  accepting  project proposals under four categories listed below.

  • Chemistry Lab Project using ChemCollective Virtual Labs:
  • The project will aid the teachers in designing their own experiments using the ChemCollective virtual lab software. Various lab experiments can be proposed with chemicals and apparatus provided in the ChemCollective Vlabs interface. These experiments can be submitted as projects, which can be later used in designing experiments to match the curriculum.
  • Creating Concept Maps using Freeplane: Freeplane is a concept mapping software, concept mapping technique was developed to aid and enhance teaching/learning. Concept maps can be created for all subjects including languages and all study topics. Concept maps can be created for chapters in NCERT textbooks or popular books can be chosen and completed.
  • Mathematical Applications Project using GeoGebra: GeoGebra is a dynamic and interactive software which connects all branches of mathematics. Projects in GeoGebra will be useful in creating worksheets and resource materials for interactive teaching/learning in mathematics. Problems from chapters in NCERT textbooks or popular books such as (i) Introduction to Real Analysis by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert, (ii) Linear Algebra by Shephen H Friedberg and Arnold J Insel, can be chosen and completed.
  • 3D Modeling Project: Open source 3D molecular viewers  such as Jmol application/Avogadro/UCSF-Chimera software can be used in the projects. Projects in topics with emphasis on spatial arrangements, like stereochemistry, conformational analysis and 3D structure analysis of biomolecules will be useful for classroom teaching/learning. Projects with interesting examples for concept learning will be a great resource material for learners. Problems from chapters in NCERT textbooks or popular books such as (i) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY by Claden, Greeves, Warren and Wother (ii)  Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds by Ernest L.Eliel and Samuel H.Wilen, can be chosen and completed.
  • Physics Simulations Project: Simulation projects using the interactive Apps on Physics software in popular physics topics like reflection & refraction, sound waves, circular motion, forces etc can be created.  These simulations can be used for teaching  and learning physics for students from secondary to higher secondary school level.  Problems from chapters in NCERT textbooks can be chosen and completed.

Once the project goes through our quality checks it will become part of this common database of completed projects. To ensure that your efforts are recognized and will benefit your career, an approved project will be provided with an eCertificate depending upon the quality and content of the project.

Technical Requirements: 

  • Any student (High school student, UG and PG student, research scholar etc.) or teacher/faculty member can submit the project who has a subject  and knowledge required for the particular category of the study.
  • A well defined project using the software mentioned above along with the expected output.

If you want to submit your project on this website, please contact us at contact(hyphen)soul(at)fossee(dot)in